Use Case 6 Missing social media links in the footer

About the client

Unfortunately, we cannot provide more detailed information about the customer for this use case due to data protection reasons.


What happend?

After a website relaunch, the social media links in the footer area have been missed, so the social media icons were not linked. 


How could such a mistake happen?

Checking links is important. Most link checkers only validate internal links. External links to other pages are also important. If they do not work, it has a negative impact on the Google ranking of your own pages.

Very important are the links to your own social media profiles, such as Instagram. On the own website is not so much movement. It is rather a target of marketing measures.


How difficult was the testing for the TESTIFY team?

We have developed new tests that focus on links in the footer. And the case here appears quite often. The tests now finds this error in seconds. We can now easily check if the links work correctly, contain their own name and open in the new window.