Free E-Commerce Initial Analysis including 14 Days of Expert Monitoring

Our developers dedicate 60 minutes to thoroughly analyze your e-commerce project. With a Cypress.IO live demo, we instantly identify weak points and provide you with valuable feedback and useful tips. Receive immediate, concrete recommendations for action and enjoy 14 days of free monitoring to secure your progress. 

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Paving the Way to E-Commerce Success

For us, E2E testing is more than just quality assurance. We see ourselves as partners who optimize processes and help unlock unused resources to enable sustainable growth.

Here are seven simple reasons for testing with TESTIFY:

  • Cost savings:

    Automated tests reduce manual testing effort

  • Time savings:

    Less manual intervention needed

  • More efficient resource utilization:

    Weniger manuelle Eingriffe nötig.

  • Employee satisfaction:

    Relief from repetitive tasks

  • Risk reduction:

    Errors are identified and fixed early

  • Innovation:

    Free capacities promote creative development projects

  • Customer satisfaction:

    Higher product quality leads to more satisfied customers

Roland Golla professional bug hunter

Let us test your project

Are you grappling with the complexities of testing your website and infrastructure? Allow us to navigate through these challenges for you. TESTIFY.TEAM is here to refine your processes and reclaim your valuable time. Reach out to elevate your website today!

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What Our Customers Say

Testimonial Author
Björn Ravens

Project Management - Krankikom GmbH

The regular automated tests significantly reduce my manual effort for rudimentary testing.

Testimonial Author
Alfons Martin

Acting Tech Lead - Raiffeisen NetWorld GmbH

Thanks to the TESTIFY team, we save time, resources, and have obtained much more stable E2E tests.

Testimonial Author
Jan Dreger

Managing Director - DISCOUNTO

The E2E website tests have made it possible for us to refactor our legacy application.